This is the proof of concept for a fan game dedicated to Faker. Faker often plays difficult platformers during his streams and so I thought it would be fun to make a platformer that tells Faker's journey to becoming "The One".

Currently, this proof of concept has two boss battle phases and 4 platformer levels.

Faker's First Kill

Faker shocked the world when he solokilled Ambition, the best mid-laner in Korea at the time, in his debut game. Against one of the strongest Korean teams at the time, Faker played Nidalee against Ambition's Kha'zix. Ambition mistimed his ultimate evolution, giving Faker the opening to land a spear and to get the kill.

Look at the cleanse! Look at the moves!

During the last game of the Finals against KT, Faker and Ryu both picked Zed. Ryu got the first strike against Faker reducing Faker's health to below 50%. However, even with this initial disadvantage, Faker outmaneuvered Ryu in an intense 1v1 and somehow killed Ryu. This kill is often considered to be the best play in League of Legends history.

My hope was to be able to recreate the intensity of this duel and to have the player really be Faker. The game requires the player to input the exact skill combo that Faker used to kill Ryu. While as a stand-alone fight, this phase may look simple; however, I believe that when it is implemented into the bigger boss fight, the fast pace of the transition along with the chaotic movement of the phases before would make the fight much more intense.

Faker's Shockwave finds them all!

Even with more than a 10k gold difference againts EDG, SKT T1 was able to execute the perfect combo using Wolf's Rakan ultimate, Peanut's Jarvan, Bang's Twitch, Huni's Cho'Gath and Faker's shockwave.

This phase of the boss fight would have the player manuever around five EDG members flying around shooting projectiles. At the right moment, the player would need to trigger the combo and land the shockwave against all five EDG players. Implementation is a WIP.

Faker's Riven VS Nagne's Cassiopeia

Pioneering Mid Riven, Faker killed Nagne's Cassiopeia between two turrets. Faker's inhuman reaction to Cassiopeia's allowed him to not get stunned and to secure the kill.

This phase of the boss fight would have the player fight Nagne's Cassiopeia. Nagne would attack the player with Twin Fangs, a puddle that would disable the player's dodge roll, and the ultimate. The player would need to turn their back to Nagne as he uses his ultimate. Implementation is a WIP.


My goal was to create a difficult platformer with a lot of freedom in movement. The player is able to reset their horizontal momentum with a ground pound. They also have a dodge roll that allows them to quickly move horizontally. I intentionally did not set a limit on the number of rolls or ground-pounds to give the player more freedom.

The platforming section would consist of four wings that branch from a main hub. Each wing has platforming levels that uses mechanics that will later be used in the boss fight. At the end of each wing, the player would be awared a letter from the name "FAKER" Combining the letter F given after the tutorial with a letter from each of the four wings, the player would be able to finish a monument that spells out "FAKER". This would allow the player to reach the boss fight where all the phases mentioned above are integrated.

Currently, there are four sketch levels for what a platformer might look like.

Download Link

The zip file can be downloaded from this link. Download the rar file and extract. Go in to the WindowsNoEditor folder and execute JTF_clone.exe. Please note that it is still a work in progress. There may be bugs or poor design choices.